Regardless to what you do, you cause emissions. Electricity consumption, heating, cooling, logistics or traveling contribute to your carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the amount of direct or indirect release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. Your company can therefore make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change.
Improve your business performance and make a step ahead of your competitors by reducing your environmental impact. Let us be your partner in preparing your emission reduction strategy. By reducing and offseting your carbon footprint, you can become CO2 NEUTRAL.
With our brand CO2 NEUTRAL you inform everyone that you care for energy efficiency, less emissions and the future of our planet.
Our future depends on the future of our planet, and the future of the planet depends on us.
The calculation of your carbon footprint will be performed using the International GHG protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol), which was introduced by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCDS) and defines the process of calculation and reporting on the results.
On the basis of transmitted data, the independent verification institute SIQ – Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology will verify the carbon footprint calculation in accordance with standard ISO 14064-3 and ISO 14065.
The report will contain information on the total amount of carbon footprint. In addition, the report will show the influence of an individual emission source and its impact on your carbon footprint, which can help plan your reductions.
The offset of your carbon footprint will be performed on your behalf with cancellation of corresponding amount of allowances. Only emission reductions of certified projects internationally recognized by CDM (Clean Development Mechanism), VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) or Gold Standard will be used.
After carbon footprint offset we will issue the Certificate of achieved carbon neutrality. This gives you the right to use our trademark CO2 NEUTRAL.